We Work with the Material that Resists Us
_ organized by Nikhil Vettukattil, Andrea Rodrigo, Stefa Govaart and Bojana Cvejić
_ by Bryana Fritz, with Chloe Chignell, Bryana Fritz and Stefa Govaart
So much in love with nothing
_ convened by Marija Cetinić, with Arnisa Zeqo, Stefa Govaart and Selma Selman
My soul/ is consumed with/ longing/ at all times
_ by Stefa Govaart, with Lydia Mcglinchey
Crush #33
_ convened by Suzanne Goldenberg, with Sol Cabrini, Glynnis Eldridge, Allyson Erwin, Stefa Govaart and No Land
We Have Never Had Sex II
_ organized by Marija Cetinić, Tessel Veneboer and Stefa Govaart, with Charlotte Szász, Nora Foulton, Jamieson Webster and Kay Gabriel
_ by Stefa Govaart
Reading: Know Thy Audience
_ with Nadia de Vries, Stefa Govaart, Natalee Cruz, Emerald Anastasia and Helena Grande
El cantar del playo or… a song is a rose is a thorn
_ by Mario Barrantes Espinoza
Cry or Laugh: Acts of Reading
_ convened by Billy Morgan, with Jakob Wittkowsky, Lucas Lagomarsino, YuJing Liu, Saman Mahdavi, Billy Morgan and Stefa Govaart
The Third Room
_ by Christine De Smedt, Liza Baliasnaja and Theo Livesey
_ by Lydia Mcglinchey
Cocks had
_ by Stefa Govaart, curated by Mohamad Dib
Who Is Sex?
_ organized by Armin Schneider, Persis Bekkering, Stefa Govaart, Tessel Veneboer and Marija Cetinić
_ by Stefa Govaart
A Deep Night Problem
_ convened by Marija Cetinić, with Cassandra Troyan, Stefa Govaart and Geo Wyex
Social as a Night
_ convened by Stefa Govaart, with Dagmar Bosma, Maxi Wallenhorst and Stefa Govaart
We Have Never Had Sex
_ organized by Marija Cetinić, Tessel Veneboer and Stefa Govaart, with Oxana Timofeeva, Maxi Wallenhorst and Cassandra Troyan
Sex Negativity
_ organized by Marija Cetinić, Tessel Veneboer and Stefa Govaart
Resequencing the Tillema Collection
_ by Poaletta Holst and Poalo Patelli
Gerundi Circular
_ by Claudia Pagès Rabal
Intercessors, Ventriloquists, Thieves, Anon.: On Art’s Divestment of the Self
_ organized by Eleanor Ivory Weber, Bojana Cvejić, Stefa Govaart, Nikhil Vettukattil, Andrea Rodrigo
mixed feelings
_ by Adriano Wilfert Jensen
If Repeatedly Then Reception
_ conceived by Stefa Govaart, with Quinsy Gario, Bryana Fritz and Stefa Govaart
How We Will Bend That Which Precedes Us: An Outdoor Reading
_ convened by Marija Cetinić, with Ilya Malafei, Lijuan Klassen and Stefa Govaart
_ by Liza Baliasnaja
Jessica in conversation with Simon Asencio
_ by Simon Asencio
Public Relations
_ by Chloe Chignell
_ by Goda Palekaitė
Truly Rural
_ by Eoghan Ryan
Ah me! I Don’t Perform
_ by Astrid Seme, Samuel Vriezen, Stine Sampers, Rosie Sommers and Stefa Govaart
_ by Hagar Tenenbaum
_ by Slow Reading Club (Bryana Fritz and Henry Andersen)
Overture (Mantras for a Club)
_ by PRICE
Commensurate To Be With
_ by Liza Baliasnaja
It's Hard to be Art: On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Art for Life
_ organized by Bojana Cvejić, Stefa Govaart, Jan Ritsema, Eleanor Ivory Weber, Nicolas Siepen and Sébastien Hendrickx
Lazy Larva (high on vapors)
_ by Eglė Budvytytė
_ by Adriano Wilfert Jensen
Monument 0.4: Lores and Praxes (rituals of transformation)
_ by Eszter Salamon
Emotional Fashions
_ by Stefa Govaart